Our sacred Earth provides everything we need to heal. Kambo is one of Earth’s tools for us. Kambo comes from the rainforests of the Upper Amazon. It is the secretion of a large green tree frog called Phyllomedusa Bicolor. Known as a master cleanse on a physical and energetic level, Kambo is a powerful substance that has a potential to facilitate healing, releasing toxins, energy blockages and transformation. We are all here to heal and to break our generational patterns. It would be an honor to assist you through a sacred Kambo Ceremony to find your strength, to find your power, to show you your humility and to show you your divinity.
I am certified by International Association of Kambo Practitioners and work within the IAKP guidelines. Please click on link to review: Code of Practice.
Please contact me for consultation to see if you are a candidate for Kambo.
Each tribe has its own legend or story about how they came to use Kambô. The most prevalent legend comes from Brazil. This Huni Kuin (Kaxinawá) legend tells that the Indians of the tribe were very ill and their medicine man (Pajé in Brazil) had done everything that was possible to cure them. All medicinal herbs known were used, but none helped.
Under the effect of sacred plant medicines, he entered the forest and whilst there received a visit from a female spirit of the forest. She brought in her hands a frog, from which she took a white secretion, and taught the Pajé how to apply it. Returning to the tribe and following the guidelines he had received, the Pajé was able to cure his brothers and sisters.
Its scientific name is Phyllomedusa Bicolor. An Italian scientist, Vittorio Erspamer of the University of Rome was the first person to analyse Kambô in a laboratory. In 1986, he wrote that it contains a ‘fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequalled by any other amphibians. The chemicals he referred to are peptides. The properties of Kambo peptides are being studied for cancer, pain, addiction and more. The medicine contains a cocktail of bioactive peptides and neuropeptides which have a powerful effect on the body and brain and allow the body to heal itself. The Kambo Practitioner performs the ceremony and applies the medicine to the skin after small superficial burns are made with a red-hot ember vine or incense stick. Only the very top layer of the skin is burned. Once the burns have been made, the Kambo secretion is applied to the wounds, and this allows the medicine to communicate with the brain via the lymphatic system.
Benefits of several of the Peptides include anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti microbial, anti bacterial, and anti viral. Kambo secretion is kept on for 20 minutes. Most Kambo treatments consists of three to six points of Kambo secretion. The Kambo Ceremony accounts for the discomfort and is structured to provide a safe setting for a challenging experience. During this time, Kambo will cause sweating, rapid heart rate, dizziness, swelling of the face and eventually will cause purging through vomiting and defecation and even overwhelming emotions.
Kambo will purify the physical body of toxic substances, as well as purify the mind and spirit of negative energy. For attendees, Kambo can feel like an intense cleansing experience, where old habits and ailments are purged from the body; there’s a belief that the bad, the harmful, and the ugly are quite literally vomited out. After experiencing Kambo, benefits include: improved immune function, pain management, potent antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeast (including Candida), fungi, and enveloped viruses; sedation and relaxation, and reduction in blood pressure.